Sponsorship & Advertising

Showcase Your Brand's Commitment

by partnering with Marine Corps Community Services.

Marine Corps Community Services (MCCS) is a comprehensive set of programs that supports and enhances the operational readiness, war fighting capabilities, and life quality of Marines, their families, retirees and civilians.

Advertise at our Golf Course

Integrate Your Brand's Products or Services

MCCS Advertising and Sponsorship can help integrate your brand's products or services within the Marine market through an array of platforms, promotions and events. Our team offers an array of customizable advertising and sponsorship packages aimed at ensuring a measurable return on your investment for our partners.


 Advertising Opportunities

From bigger than life advertisements to social media, we get your message in front of the audience you want. Find out what we offer.

 Sponsorship Opportunities

Nothing shows your support of the Military community like sponsoring a program they love. See how to form a relationship.

 257 D Street, Camp Lejeune, NC, 28547 |   Monday - Friday: 7AM - 3:30PM

 MCCSEastCommSponsorship@usmc-mccs.org |  Subscribe to our Newsletter

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