Adult Sports

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Intramural - Open to all Active Duty military; teams must register as a designated Unit Team.

Leagues - Open to all Active Duty Military, spouses and family members; Authorized DoD civilians, and retirees; must be at least 18 years of age and out of high school.

Tournaments - The Tournament Series is intended to provide additional competitive opportunities, at reasonable cost, for those who desire extra competition outside of the Intramural Sports Program. Tournament format, eligibility, locations, and cost will vary.

Please refer to the Intramural Handbook pages 4-6 for full details on regulations and requirements of registering teams. All teams must meet the published guidelines for each respective sport to register for leagues or tournaments.


Contact Information and Resources

Goettge Memorial Field House is closed for renovations and unable to take reservations for the facility at this time. We anticipate opening in 2025. The MCCS Sports Office is temporarily located in the trailer next to the Field House.

MCB Camp Lejeune Sports Branch

Follow Us:

Hours of operation:

Monday - Friday 8AM - 4PM
Saturday CLOSED
Holiday hours may vary.
MCAS New River Semper Fit Sports Center

Follow Us:

Hours of operation:

Monday - Friday 11AM - 7PM
Saturday CLOSED
Holiday hours may vary.
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