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CREDO provides an assortment of opportunities to sea service personnel and their families. CREDO's goal is to help enrich and strengthen people’s lives. Join the many who have reaped significant benefits from attending a CREDO retreat.

CREDO provides FREE workshops and retreats with a positive, safe, and supportive environment to:

  • Receive a greater understanding about life and yourself
  • Increase trust and self confidence
  • Strengthen relationships
  • Gain a clearer perspective about others
  • Experience personal and spiritual growth
  • Strengthen marriages
  • Resolve personal skills
  • Learn to handle anger more constructively
  • Improve communication skills
  • Establish new friendships
  • Have fun
  • Relax

Who can attend?

Per MCO 1738.1B, Active Duty and Reserve Component personnel, and their legally married spouse and dependents may attend workshops, seminars, and retreats at no cost to the service member.
Civilian government employees and contractors, as well as retired military, are not authorized participation at government expense, but may participate in workshops and other trainings.
Monday - Friday 8AM - 4PM
Saturday CLOSED
Holiday hours may vary.

Standard Marriage Enrichment Retreat (MER)

CREDO Marriage Retreats are free (includes lodging and meals). Most retreats begin with dinner day 1 and conclude mid-morning day 3.
Version 1: Gottman’s Sound Marital House
Based on the book 7 Principles for Making Marriage Work, a robust research based curriculum that is proven to help couples learn essential skills for enhanced communication, emotional expression, and healthy conflict resolution. These are essential skills that are proven to enrich longevity and deepen relationship satisfaction.
Version 2: Strengths Based Relationships
Uses the Clifton Strengths Assessment tool to determine an individual’s natural, innate talents. Couples will then learn how to fucus on their partner’s strengths (not weaknesses) in creating deeper more meaningful relationships.
Version 3: Soul Mates for Life
Uses SDI 2.0 (Strength Deployment Instrument) to access one’s Motivational Value System, a system of motives and values that drives your use of strengths when things are going well, and one’s Conflict Sequence to understand how your motives change during conflict.

Standard Personal Growth Retreat (PGR)

Participants will explore values and beliefs that influence ethical decision making, gain understanding and appreciation for spiritual belief systems, have ample time for personal reflection, and much more. The Standard PGR is 48 hours in length beginning at 1300 on day 1. Retreats are free to those who attend. Two nights of lodging and meals (beginning with dinner day 1) are provided to authorized participants.

Wilderness Leadership Development Expedition

These expeditions are by request only and for units.

Experience the adrenaline rush of lower yourself over the ledge as you rappel down a cliff. Test your strength, balance, and coordination as you scale a rock face. Spend evenings around a camp fire discussing leadership principles. Achieve a greater sense of purpose, accomplishment, and esprit de corps.
This 4 day/3 night expedition includes camping in the mountains of Western NC, transportation to and from the event site, and professionally guided discussions and wilderness training events. Expeditions are Tuesday-Friday/10 person limit.


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Wilderness Marriage Enrichment Expedition

Experience the thrill of rappelling next to your spouse as you back over the edge of a cliff. Learn about trust as your spouse belays you as you rock climb. Unplug for a few days with your spouse in the wilderness and deepen your connection.

This a 4 night Expedition in the mountains of Western North Carolina. *We will be camping all 4 nights* In addition to backpacking we will be rock climbing/rappelling and spending evenings around a campfire. There will be activities designed to enhance your emotional connection with your spouse.

This expedition includes meals, backpacking gear (if needed), and transportation to and from the location.

Please make note, this will be a VERY PHYSICALLY DEMANDING event. You will be expected to carry 35-40 pounds on wilderness trails up and down mountains. Type II Fun! You need to be in good/great health to participate. There are EXTREMELY limited slots for this retreat, so sign up quickly!

Wilderness Personal Growth Expedition

This a five night expedition in the mountains of Western North Carolina. We draw on the wisdom of those who sought peace and solace by retreating, for a time, to the mountains. After WWII one vet (Ed Shafer) declared he was going to “walk off the war” to process his experiences. He subsequently became the first person to through hike the entire Appalachian Trail. In addition to backpacking we will also be rock climbing/rappelling and spending evenings around a campfire.

Being in nature can boost your mood and improve mental health. Spending quality time in the great outdoors reduces stress, calms anxiety, and can lead to a lower risk of depression", according to a study done by researchers at Stanford University. (https://news.stanford.edu/2015/06/30/hiking-mental-health-063015/). In addition to having mental health benefits, being outdoors opens up your senses to your surroundings and improves your sensory perception. Taking in the sights, smells, and feelings of nature has so many health benefits it can even be prescribed by a doctor.”

Includes transportation to and from, backpacking gear (if you don't have your own), meals, and a chance to unplug for a few days.

This will be a physically demanding trip. You will be expected to carry 35-40 pounds on wilderness trails up and down mountains. Type II Fun! There are very limited slots for this retreat, so sign up quickly!

*Please note, this is not a marriage retreat. Couples are not allowed to attend together.

One-Day Marriage Enrichment Workshop

One-Day workshops provide many of the same benefits as the weekend retreats, just in a condensed presentation to allow busy couples who may not be able to get away for a weekend an opportunity to tune up their marriage. One-Day workshops may cover specific topics, or books proven to increase marital satisfaction, and improve marriage longevity.

ASIST Workshop

Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) is a two-day interactive workshop in suicide first aid. ASIST teaches participants to recognize when someone may have thoughts of suicide and work with them to create a plan that will support their immediate safety.

ASIST participants will learn to:

  • Understand the ways that personal and societal attitudes affect views on suicide and interventions
  • Provide guidance and suicide first aid to a person at risk in ways that meet their individual safety needs
  • Identify the key elements of an effective suicide safety plan and the actions required to implement it
  • Appreciate the value of improving and integrating suicide prevention resources in the community at large
  • Recognize other important aspects of suicide prevention including life-promotion and self-care

Workshop features:

  • Presentations and guidance from two LivingWorks registered trainers
  • A scientifically proven intervention model
  • Powerful audiovisual learning aids
  • Group discussions
  • Skills practice and development
  • A balance of challenge and safety

SafeTALK Workshop

SafeTALK is a half-day training program that teaches participants to recognize and engage persons who might be having thoughts of suicide and to connect them with community resources trained in suicide intervention. SafeTALK stresses safety while challenging taboos that inhibit open talk about suicide. The ‘safe’ of safeTALK stands for ‘suicide alertness for everyone’. The ‘TALK’ letters stand for the practice actions that one does to help those with thoughts of suicide: Tell, Ask, Listen, and KeepSafe. The program is designed to help participants monitor the effect of false societal beliefs that can cause otherwise caring and helpful people to miss, dismiss, or avoid suicide alerts and to practice the TALK step actions to move past these barriers.

After training, participants in the safeTALK program should be able to:

  • Challenge attitudes that inhibit open talk about suicide.
  • Recognize a person who might be having thoughts of suicide.
  • Engage them in direct and open talk about suicide.
  • Listen to the person’s feelings about suicide to show that they are taken seriously.
  • Move quickly to connect them with someone trained in suicide intervention


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