Criteria for Non-Federal Entity (NFE) Participation
- NFE is not on the excluded parties list, and NFE is not on the Department of Defense (DoD) commercial solicitation debar/suspended list.
- NFE does not conduct practices that conflict with DoD/Marine Corps policies.
- NFE’s presence is not in conflict with existing policies (e.g., NFE refuses to remove inappropriate content from marketing materials; NFE discriminates against protected classes, etc.).
- NFE’s presence is not one that would bring discredit to the Marine Corps, and if authorized base access pursuant to a Commercial Sponsorship Agreement (CSA), is in compliance with all other requirements set forth in MCO P1700.27b, paragraph 9608.
- NFE will not charge any recruitment costs, either initially or retroactively, to the Service Members who are subsequently employed based on the contact during the hiring event.
- NFEs’ employment positions must be hourly, salary, or salary plus commission with regards to pay. No straight commission-based NFEs may attend.
- NFEs will have bona-fide jobs available, with no contingencies.
- NFE must have a minimum of five positions available for recruitment.
- SkillBridge providers:
- SkillBridge providers operating aboard base pursuant to a local MOA will have priority up to the first 10 providers to register, with no fee or CSA required.
- SkillBridge providers without a local MOA are next priority. A current Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with DoD must be provided at time of registration, and a CSA is required along with appropriate fees.
- Educational institutions with a current DoD MOU seeking to recruit students may register as space allows, and a CSA is required.
Employer Recruiting Events
Career Connections is an MCCS, Lejeune-New River hosted employer recruiting opportunity that occurs during TRS weeks* at the Camp Lejeune Education Center and New River AS-901. Investment includes space and one table.
- 5 Weeks - $500
- 10 Weeks - $950
- 20 Weeks - $1800
- 30 Weeks - $2250
*1 Week includes a table at MCAS New River on Monday and MCB Camp Lejeune on Wednesday.