Parent Newsletter September 2023
Upcoming Events:
- 04th: Labor Day (CYP Closed)
- 10th: National Grandparents Day
- 20th: September Birthday Celebrations
- 23rd: First Day of Fall
- 25th: National Food Service Employee Day
- 26th: Johnny Appleseed Day
Labor Day
Labor Day is an annual United States federal holiday observed on the first Monday of September. The day celebrates the American labor movement and the contributions and achievements of the American worker. In the United States Labor Day is the three day weekend ending the summer season, where Memorial Day weekend starts the summer season. Yeah, it sadly means that summer is coming to a close, but it's also a day that holds so much meaning. For one, it's just another excuse to eat our favorite grilled foods, host a pool party, and put those fun summer Instagram captions to good use. And while it's certainly a day worth celebrating for all those reasons, there's a bit more history behind the meaning of Labor Day, too.
Labor Day celebrates the women and men who campaigned tirelessly for workers' rights in the labor movement of the late 19th century. Their hard-fought wins are the reason for many of the rights we enjoy and take for granted today, such as a 40-hour work week, safe work conditions, paid time off, and sick leave. Those workers saw that there could be no freedom and liberty in this country without economic freedom for the working class. The holiday honors the source of this nation's strength—American workers, unions, and labor leaders. No matter how you decide to celebrate Labor Day 2023, take some time to reflect and pay tribute to all the laborers, past and present, who helped build America and make it the country it is today.
When Is Labor Day in 2023 and Why Do We Celebrate It? (thepioneerwoman.com)
Join us for a Fun Filled September…...
- 1st Annual Family Field Day on 8 September at 3pm.
- Arts and Crafts with parents 3pm on 15 September.
- 18-22 September, Career Week, you are welcome to come and share your career with us here at Laulima.
Please sign up at the front desk for our amazing activities!!!!
Our building is currently under a fire watch as the fire alarm system is out of order. All smoke detectors and sprinklers are operable. Our staff are trained to use a secondary notification method for evacuation in the event of an emergency. Base Facilities is actively securing a vendor to get our system back up and running.
We lost many of our preschool children during the month of August which made way for lots of transitions as children age-up to new rooms. New rooms mean a new environment with fun and engaging toys and activities designed for your child’s age. Moving children up ensures they are in a classroom environment that is developmentally appropriate for their skill level and interests and provides the right balance of challenges to assist with their growth and development. As with any transition, your child may need extra time getting use to the new faces and environment. Communicate with your child’s caregiver and work together to make your child’s day as smooth as possible.
Congratulations to our staff celebrating their years of service this month! Thank you for your hard work and dedication.
Emma (1) Yolanda (1) Elizabeth (4) Jaclyn (6)
Jaycie (8) Kayla (8) Justin (11) Mikki (21)
School Age Care
Our theme for the month of September is Friendship. The week of 11 September is BGCA Worldwide Day of Play Week. We will have a special activity each day for the children to participate in. Please remember to take a look at our Special Events Calendar for the month.
We say a sad farewell to Ms. Ashley this month. Ms. Ashley will be greatly missed. Good luck on your future endeavors.
Childhood Obesity
September is National Childhood Obesity Month. According to the CDC about I in 5 American children has obesity. This diagnosis puts children at a higher risk for asthmas, sleep apnea, bone and joint problems, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. Now that children are back in school here are some helpful tips to get in a routine to promote healthy weight and lifelong healthy habits; model a healthy eating pattern, move more as a family, set consistent sleep routines, and replace screen time with more family time.
Following the MyPlate method will help you implement the current nutrition recommendations and ensure health-conscious eating. Being active with your family is a great way to strengthen your muscles, bones, and cardiovascular system, lower body fat, and have some fun! This can be as simple as riding bikes, playing games in the yard, or active chores like washing a car. Adequate sleep and limiting screen time is important in the role of healthy weight, succeeding in school, and making memories with your loved ones.