Marine & Family Support

Enhancing the quality of life for service members and their families through a wide range of resources


Child and Youth

Child and Youth Programs (CYP) provide high quality child care programs and services that support eligible families.


Information, Referral, and Relocation

Whether you are looking for services or programs aboard Camp Lejeune or New River, or are needing assistance related to relocation, we can help point you in the right direction!



Our libraries contain a wide variety of books, services and resources for military families.


Personal Financial Management

The Personal Financial Management Program (PFMP) assists Marines and their families in achieving and sustaining personal financial readiness by providing personal financial education, training, counseling, and financial information and referral.


Prevention and Counseling

Using an integrated community health approach, the Community Counseling Program (CCP) equips Marines and families with the skills to address life’s challenges before there is significant impact to performance in their duties and relationships. The CCP assists Marines and families in accomplishing their personal goals through short-term solution focused counseling, skill enhancement, education and referrals to other helping resources.


Single Marine Program

The Single Marine Program (SMP) serves as the voice for single Marines in identifying concerns, developing initiatives, and providing recommendations through advocacy, recreational activities, special events and community involvement.


Transition Readiness Program

The Transition Readiness Program implements a comprehensive transition and employment assistance program for Marines and their families.


Voluntary Education

Education Counselors can assist personnel in starting or completing their journey towards their college degree.


Volunteer Opportunities

The Volunteer Program provides volunteer opportunities to active duty personnel, their family members, retirees, veterans and civilians to connect the installation and community volunteer resources. Across the globe Marines, Sailors and their families are giving back to the Marine Corps community.


Where Do I Go for Help?

A quick-access guide for helpful resources available on our installation.


Wounded Warrior

The Wounded Warrior Regiment provides leadership and ensures compliance with laws and DoD regulations related to the support, recovery, and non-medical care of combat and non-combat wounded, ill, and injured (WII) Marines, Sailors attached to Marine units, and their family members in order to maximize their recovery as they return to duty or transition to civilian life.

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