Father's Day for Deployed Dads
June 19 is Father’s Day and many Marines will spend that day deployed from their loved ones. Finding the perfect gift or surprise for your Marine when he is deployed can be challenging for the whole family. Now is the time to start planning and mailing those packages. Here are a few simple suggestions on how to celebrate Father’s Day with your deployed Marine:
- If you and your Marine use social media to communicate, have your kid(s) read a poem that they’ve written especially for their dad.
- If your Marine is an expecting dad, play a special recording of your baby’s heartbeat while listening to dad’s voice.
- Have your kid(s) send a care package to include handmade cards, colored pictures, cookies, etc. You could even take a picture of the kids making the cards and include those pictures in the care package as well.
- Make a collage of pictures with just him and the kids, frame it in a special “dad frame,” and have them draw little hearts around the frame.
- Once your Marine has returned, celebrate all the holidays you’ve missed together. No dad ever turned down a Father’s Day breakfast in bed just because it’s October.
Remember that your Marine will be happy with anything he receives that reminds him of what a great dad he is!
For more advice on coping with the challenges of deployment, contact Marine Corps Family Team Building.