Holiday Hours
Some MCCS facilities will be operating under holiday hours. Click here to view holiday hours.
Transition Readiness Seminar
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On this page:
TRS Appointment
Meet with an Advisor for one-on-one assistance to discuss your personal and professional goals! Call Camp Lejeune, Bldg. 824 (910) 451-3781; MCAS New River, AS-912, (910) 449-4914 or request appointment online.
Request an appointmentTransition Readiness - Step One
Conduct Initial Counseling (IC) no later than 365 days from your EAS:
Contact your UTC to schedule your IC Appointment:
- Present completed pre-work to your UTC.
- Obtain the Transition 365 Checklist from your UTC.
Attend your IC appointment: During IC you will discuss your transition plan and determine your TRS requirements, TIER assignment, and track (if required).
- For in-person IC: Bring the checklist and the self-assessment/individual transition plan with you to your IC appointment.
- For virtual IC: Email your checklist and self-assessment/transition plan to your assigned advisor prior to your scheduled appointment. Your advisor will provide you with proof of completion via email upon completing IC.