UPDATE - Jan. 24 at 4:30 p.m.: Normal Operations Resume Jan. 25
MCB Camp Lejeune and MCAS New River will resume normal operations on Saturday, Jan. 25 for all MCCS activities, including fitness centers, Marine Marts and Marine Corps Exchanges.
Child Development Centers will resume normal operations on Monday, Jan. 27.
Transition Readiness Seminar
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On this page:
TRS Appointment
Meet with an Advisor for one-on-one assistance to discuss your personal and professional goals! Call Camp Lejeune, Bldg. 824 (910) 451-3781; MCAS New River, AS-912, (910) 449-4914 or request appointment online.
Request an appointmentTransition Readiness - Step One
Conduct Initial Counseling (IC) no later than 365 days from your EAS:
Contact your UTC to schedule your IC Appointment:
- Present completed pre-work to your UTC.
- Obtain the Transition 365 Checklist from your UTC.
Attend your IC appointment: During IC you will discuss your transition plan and determine your TRS requirements, TIER assignment, and track (if required).
- For in-person IC: Bring the checklist and the self-assessment/individual transition plan with you to your IC appointment.
- For virtual IC: Email your checklist and self-assessment/transition plan to your assigned advisor prior to your scheduled appointment. Your advisor will provide you with proof of completion via email upon completing IC.