Health & Wellness Education

On this page:
On this page:

This program provides awareness and education to all members of the military community that encourages people to increase control over and to improve their full health potential.

Health & Wellness Education supports the achievement and sustainment of a fit and mission ready force and healthy populations, at home and abroad, in peacetime and in conflict. Each of these programs aligns with the US Department of Health and Human Services' Healthy People 2020 and the DOD's Operation Live Well and the Healthy Base Initiatives.

MCCS encourages and supports the participation of individuals of all abilities in its programs and facilities.

Nutrition Fundamentals

Nutrition Fundamentals

Topics will include:

  • Healthy food choices
  • Lifestyle and behavioral modifications
  • Macronutrients
  • Nutrition traps, trends & fast food
  • Nutrition for exercise & health
  • Supplement use & abuse
2nd Wednesday of each month 9:30 - 11AM Warrior Athlete Readiness & Resilience (WARR) Center
2nd Thursday of each month 9:30 - 11AM Bldg. AS4024, HITT Center,  MCAS New River

Class is FREE and open to all authorized patrons. Space is very limited; first come, first served. No pre-registration required.

Fitness Assessments

Hypoxico Altitude Training

Individual Performance assessments:

Why is an IPA Important?

An assessment is an essential piece before beginning any physical fitness program. It serves as a baseline measurement that a strength coach can use to compare results over time. It also gives an accurate picture of performance and a indication of CFT/PFT Scores.


  • Overhead Squat
  • Broad Jump
  • 20-yard shuttle
  • 3RM Bench Press
  • 3RM Deadlift
  • Metronome Pull up.
  • 300 Yard Shuttle
  • Yo-Yo intermittent Test  


Body Fat Skin fold test:

Jackson & Pollock 3-site pinch method

Unit Health Presentations

Unit Presentations

Schedule a free class and choose from several topics:

  • Injury Prevention
  • Nutrition & Supplements
  • Physical Activity
  • Weight Management
  • Sleep & Recovery
Contact Information and Resources
Contact Health & Wellness Education


HP202 McHugh Blvd.
Warrior Athlete Readiness & Resilience (WARR) Center
MCB Camp Lejeune,

Phone: 9104510122

All services by appointment only.

Hours of operation:

Monday - Friday 8AM - 4:30PM
Saturday CLOSED
Holiday hours may vary.
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