

Transitioning Soon? What You Can Do About Credentialing

I have some time left before I leave the Marine Corps. What should I do about credentialing? Are ...

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Getting Left of Transition

Sgt Tyler Haas transitioned out of the Marine Corps in May, 2018. While preparing for his transit...

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How to Make Networking Feel More Natural

Some people are born comfortable talking to anyone about anything. When you’re not one of these p...

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Add LinkedIn to Your Job Search Toolkit!

As you are searching for a new job or starting your transition from active duty to civilian-land,...

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Getting Hired in the Federal Government through Veteran's Recruitment Appointment

Getting into the Federal workforce can seem like a daunting task, but there are ways to make it e...

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inTransition: The Mental Health Resource in Any Stage of Service

Transitioning of any sort can be a difficult and stressful time for many military members. Wheth...

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eMentor, an Award Winning Online Mentor Program

To support National Mentoring Month the Marine For Life Network hosted a Facebook Q&A session wit...

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Veteran Escapes Homelessness Thanks to Marine for Life

The cold winds of Chicago are not friendly to its denizens, and even less so to its homeless popu...

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How to Prepare for an Interview

Your performance in an interview can make or break landing a job, so you always want to be on you...

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Looking for "a Few Good Links?" Check Out Marine OnLine

When you need to find online Marine Corps resources, where do you turn first? If your initial res...

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How the Marine for Life Network and our Representatives Can Work with Transitioning Marines!

Recently the Marine for Life Network and local Marine for Life (M4L) representative helped a reti...

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Get Started Writing Your Resume Today!

Never written a resume before? Don’t sweat it. Sure, it seems daunting if you are staring at a bl...

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